Monday, November 2, 2015

Birthday Display Giveaway

This is the birthday bulletin board in my classroom. I originally created a set of pink cupcakes for my birthday display then realized they didn't match the red and black color scheme I had in my room. I went back to the drawing board and made these black and white cupcakes for my classroom instead. Of course I had already printed, laminated and cut out the whole pink set. To celebrate the start of my new teaching blog I'm giving away a hard copy set of pink birthday display cupcakes. The cupcakes and candles are already laminated and cut out so there is very little prep required.

Leave a comment if you're interested in winning this set of pink cupcakes to use as a birthday display for your classroom. I'll randomly choose a winner on November 16th. Thanks for visiting my blog!

- Oh Miss Jill

Weekly To Do List

A free copy of my weekly to do list can be found here in my TPT shop. 

Getting organized then staying organized throughout the school year can be a challenge. Working as a special educator there are plans to be made, evaluations and assessments to give, materials to gather and then lots of paperwork to complete and file. To keep myself organized I created a template for my weekly to do list. Each week I fill out a new sheet with the tasks I need to complete for the week. I love checking off items I’ve completed. If there is an item I didn’t complete I just move it to the next week’s list. In preschool I’m always dragging materials in from home so I have a section for things to bring in or buy for school.

I recently saw the quote “Teaching is the only profession where you steal things from home and bring them to work.”  This makes me laugh because I’m always stealing things from home. Over the years I’ve actually purchased doubles of several items so I have one for home and one for school. No joke I have two irons, two mini laminators, two label makers and two heavy duty three whole punches just to name a few items. Do you steal items from home to bring to your classroom? What do you do to stay organized throughout the school year?